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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Definition: Graphic design is the process and art of combining text and graphics and communicating an effective message in the design of logos, graphics, brochures, newsletters, posters, signs, and any other type of visual communication. Today's graphic designers often use desktop publishing software and techniques to achieve their goals.
Also Known As: graphic arts | graphics design | visual communications | desktop publishing 

What is graphic design?

Well, we're all designers, so we should know shouldn't we? If only life were that simple.

Remember that essay, dissertation or thesis where you had pull a definition of design from somewhere? Design Talkboard has decided to see how many different definitions of the term we can find. We have chosen 5 quotes that we feel sum up what graphic design is all about. Tell us what you think about our suggestions, by voting or joining in the discussions, such as What is Graphic Design? in the design talk forums.
Or submit your own suggestions. Like much good design, they don't have to be original suggestions - or even modern - let's just get a good collection together. You may also want to read our discussion of different graphic design job descriptions within the design industry. 


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